Midweek Gospel Resources 

Find a few extras here after the sermon each week that will encourage you to continue to sow the seeds of the gospel in your heart, your midweek small gatherings, or in your home.


Sam Peck

Sunday 6/23/24

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:10-2:3

Nail Your Nutrition!

Sermon Summary

When you were born again, you were created by God with new nutritional needs. So in order for you to be healthy and growing, you need to feed on and believe the new realities that are yours in Christ. Peter is helping these persecuted believers remain steadfast in their faith through highlighting the realities of the gospel. By this, he provides the spiritual nourishment that they need to persevere.

Sermon Outline:

  1. The Gospel Anticipated (vs 10-12)

    • looking to realities so glorious that all the prophets and angelic beings are obsessed over them!

  2. The Gospel Activated (vs 13-25)

    *Focusing on future grace should change you in three areas:

    1. Your Mind. vs 13 - a mind posture that anticipates activity.

    2. Your Will. vs 14 - sin is a value (passions) problem. We value sin less by valuing God more.

    3. Your Conduct. vs 15-17 - the Gospel affords us to take ownership of our sin and our conduct.

*Salvation is ransom in four ways

  1. Ransom from Futility. vs 18a

  2. Ransom by Substitutionary Purity. vs 18b-19

  3. Ransom by Foreordained Sovereignty. vs 20

  4. Ransom to Faith and Dependency. vs 21

3. The Gospel Ingested (Ch 2 vs 1-3)

Application: Signs you are spiritually malnourished

  1. You feel tired no matter how much you eat.

How do we correct our spiritual dietary issues?

  1. Retrain your taste buds.

  2. Fill up on the good things, first thing!

  3. Learn to catch yourself crying.

Questions for reflection, prayer, and worship:

  1. Take some time in prayer and ask yourself: Why am I over-consuming things that do not satisfy me? Food, sleep, leisure, entertainment, affirmation and approval from people, over-stimulating the senses, over-spending, over-working?

  2. What “good things” and gospel realities are in this text that satisfy and nourish you as a new creature in Christ?

  3. Our bodies cry out to us when we need food. In the same way, our souls cry when they need spiritual food. In what ways have you seen yourself “crying” this week?

  4. Reread the passage, but this time for the purpose of tasting and seeing that the Lord has always been good, is good, and always will be good to you!