Midweek Gospel Resources 

Find a few extras here after the sermon each week that will encourage you to continue to sow the seeds of the gospel in your heart, your midweek small gatherings, or in your home.


Sam Peck

Sunday 3/2/25

Scripture: Romans 10:9-21

Belief and Unbelief

Passage Outline

  • Gospel Invitation | How simple saving faith is | Vs 9-13

  • Gospel Communication | How powerful speaking the Gospel is | VS 14-17

  • Gospel Rejection | How Sinister unbelief is | Vs 16-21

Application | What can we learn?

Three postures that unbelief will thrive in:

  1. Entitled Expectation

  2. Subtle Inoculation

  3. Constant Calcification

Three postures that unbelief will die in:

  1. Honest Admission (instead of entitled expectation)

  2. Humble Consideration (Instead of subtle inoculation)

  3. Continual Reflection (instead of constant calcification)

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you see your heart’s tendency to have an entitled expectation that God will accept you because of your goodness? What are you doing to make sure this heart posture doesn’t grow?

  2. Do you feel the concern that you could be slowly building up a resistance (inoculation) to the gospel through constant failures to make way for it to penetrate your heart? What are you going to do to counter this?

  3. Calcification of the heart is when it becomes hardened, callous, rigid, and unwilling to change. Do you see the danger of your heart doing this? How will you fight it today?

  4. Does someone in your life need to be saved? According to verses 14 and 15, what needs to be done? What are you waiting for? :D