Midweek Gospel Resources
Find a few extras here after the sermon each week that will encourage you to continue to sow the seeds of the gospel in your heart, your midweek small gatherings, or in your home.
Bob Bonner
Sunday 2/23/25
Scripture: Romans 9:30-10:13
To the Jew, First?
I. The Stumbung Stone to Salvation. 9:30-33
• Faith in Christ Alone is what determines one's salvation. v. 1-4
II. Two basic responsibilities regarding his or her own salvation. v 1-4
A. Every individual is responsible for knowing about God's method of making a person righteous.
B. Every individual is responsible to put their trust in God's method of making a person righteous in order to be saved.
Il. Further explanation of two responsibilities. v.5-13 (cf. Deut. 30:12-14)
A. Two approaches to righteousness and acceptance by God. v. 5-7
1. A person tries to earn God's approval by obeying all of God's moral laws. V. 5
2. A person receives righteousness and Gods approval through putting one's trust in Christs works on one's
B. Salvation in Christ is near to everyone who seeks it. v. 8-10
III. Applications
A. If you have not put your sole confidence in Jesus Christ as your Savior, please do. He is your only hope!
B. Pray for all, especialy for the Jews.
C. Take seriously your responsibility to financially support Jewish evangelism.
D. Pray against anti-semitism and for protection for the Jews.