Midweek Gospel Resources
Find a few extras here after the sermon each week that will encourage you to continue to sow the seeds of the gospel in your heart, your midweek small gatherings, or in your home.
Ron Strom
Sunday 1/19/25
Scripture: Romans 8:18-25
Good News! Groaning Gives Way to Glory
Assertions drawn from the text
Because the world is broken and all of us are broken, there will be suffering.
If you are in Christ, you have been transformed inwardly, but you will be transformed more fully and bodily in the future.
As a result of the Fall, both man and the rest of the world were cursed.
Because we have the Spirit, our future of eternal glory is secure.
Today we are children of God, already adopted, but we still await the ultimate benefits of that adoption.
Now What? Exhortations:
Rejoice in the sure hope we have that our redemption will be fully completed in our future new-body glorification.
Remind yourself and other believers of future glory.
Wait eagerly with longing for His second coming - but let’s not sit while we wait. Instead let’s strive to live and serve and love, looking to Jesus whose work has made our future glory.
Discussion Questions
Recount this past week. What has happened to make you groan and long for full redemption?
How does the childbirth analogy in verse 22 help you believe the gospel of future glory in Christ?
Creation will one day be set free from its bondage to corruption. How does it feel that this freedom will come through your glorified new body in Christ?
How can you use the universal state of groaning as a way to relate with non-believers. so that you can help them understand the hope of the gospel?